Pressley Ridge provides specialized education programming for students who have not yet found success in the traditional classroom setting due to a variety of needs.
Our services are not long-term, particularly at our Day Schools – the main goal of our programs is to return students to their home schools with confidence and empower them with the ability to succeed.
Serving the whole student.
We believe that all children deserve an education that goes beyond academics and enables them to grow into responsible, self-sufficient adults.
Our certified teachers and staff provide every student with an innovative learning approach, individualized attention, and all the necessary support they need to reach their potential.
Pressley Ridge Day Schools
Through individualized planning, integrated services, and an evidence-based curriculum, students at a Pressley Ridge Day School can overcome their challenges and develop strong academic and behavioral skills so they can return to the public school setting.
Our Day Schools support students who face challenges that cannot be adequately addressed in the traditional classroom. Students develop academic knowledge and a set of tools and techniques to assist them to restore and develop the ability to live independently, socialize and use effective life management skills.
A special component of our program is the family liaisons who work closely with families, school districts, and other agencies (e.g., mental health, children and youth services, juvenile court) to help the youth be successful. We provide an individualized, strength-based approach to academic and behavioral growth.