25+ companies and numerous individuals in our communities helped to make the holidays a little brighter for more than 1,200 children. Our sincerest thanks to the following companies for granting the wishes for our children this year.
Henderson Brothers Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP Amcom Office Systems Michael Baker International American_Eagle Saints John & Paul Parish Treesdale Golf & Country Club MetLife Eat’n Park Cloud Adoption Solutions
Mike‘s Carwash ProLink Staffing Target Willow Med Spa and Salon Book Mark’et & Antique Mezzanine Fox’s Pizza Den in Oakland, MD St. Mary’s Orthodox Church Morgantown, WV Stevens Engineers & Constructors Gamma Mu Nu Chapter Lion’s Pride Restaurant Red Lion Controls OWL Chiropractic C.S. Davidson, Inc. Syncreon MKT Duct GGS, Inc. Stonybrook Family Restaurant Kiwanis Club of Greater York