Like all schools, we spent many months preparing to reopen our school buildings, focusing on the health and safety of both our staff and students. The buildings have been sanitized from top to bottom, installed Plexiglas panels, equipped the buildings with air purifiers and hand sanitizing stations, and purchased masks and face shields for both staff and students.
Many of our students have unique needs that require additional problem solving to ensure their health and safety. At the Pressley Ridge School for the Deaf, we are offering clear face masks for both students and teachers so that facial expressions are visible when communicating. At the Pressley Ridge School for Autism, in addition to traditional masks and face shields, we are also offering face shields that clip onto the brim of a baseball cap for those students unable to tolerate anything on their faces. Disposable hospital gowns and latex gloves are available for staff who need to assist students with feeding, toileting, or other physical tasks that they are unable to complete on their own.
We are so happy to have our staff and students back on campus. Although this school year is much different than other years, one thing hasn’t changed – our teachers and staff remain dedicated to providing our students with the best education possible.