Marnie Williams
Program Director, Community-Based
I started my career at Pressley Ridge in Greensburg as a wraparound under the supervision of Steve Kozak. After that, my career path took me to Fayette County as an Educational Liaison for Family Preservation under Scot Thomas and, eventually, to Supervisor of the program. In 2007 I became a Director for CRR/Treatment Foster Care, and finally, I am now the director of the Southwest Counties Community-Based programs.
Great supervisors and support, job flexibility, and good people have kept me at Pressley Ridge for 30 years. I love my job and Pressley Ridge. It’s a nurturing work environment, and I have always tried to treat all my people just as I have been treated. Pressley is always striving to provide the best possible services to kids and families. I am impressed by the entire agency, especially Alex and Mark, and all they are doing to make sure we are learning and growing clinically.
One of my most memorable experiences is the Re-ED conference I went to in the 90’s, which was an excellent experience. I also have a fond memory of pulling a phone prank on John Kreuzer that involved a fart machine hiding in a filing cabinet in his office. We had someone call pretending to be a county judge. As the judge was talking to John, we would push a button and make the machine fart. John was mortified! We did this for a good 10 minutes until I couldn’t stand it any longer. I laugh just writing this down. If you know John Kreuzer, you can appreciate the beauty of doing a prank on him- he deserved it!